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October 3

Catch for us the foxes—the little foxes that ruin the vineyards—for our vineyards are in bloom. — Song 2:15 BSB

There are things that are good without being perfect. You don’t need a whole army firing cannons outside your window to keep you awake; a simple alarm clock can do the job. It’s the same with worry. You don’t need to fret about everything; even one small anxious thought can ruin your peace. It’s like a polished mirror—just one scratch can ruin its smoothness, and the finer it is, the smaller the scratch needs to be to damage it. In the same way, your rest can be disturbed by the smallest thing. Maybe you trust God for your salvation, but do you trust Him with your daily concerns, your business, your finances, and your family?

What is the peace that passes all understanding? It’s not a peace that can’t be understood; it’s a peace that reasoning can’t give. You can’t achieve it by thinking or figuring things out. There may be confusion all around you, but your heart can rest in total security because He knows, He loves, and He leads.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - October 3

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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