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November 9

In a little while the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you also will live. — John 14:19 BSB

After becoming connected to our Living Head, Jesus Christ, the source of our life, our task now is to remain in Him, absorb His life, and grow. We must lean on His strength, drink in His life, feed on Him as the Living Bread, and continually draw our resources from Him through dependence and communion.

The Holy Spirit is our Teacher and Minister in this process. He will take what belongs to Christ and show it to us, imparting it into every part of our spiritual being. As we surrender to Him, He will breathe His own prayer into us, drawing out our hearts in deep longings that are the guarantee of their own fulfillment. He will call us to silent, wordless prayer, opening every part of our being to receive His life.

Just as the lungs absorb oxygen from the air, and the senses take in the fragrance of a garden, so our hearts will naturally take in and rejoice in the love and fellowship of Christ. In this way, we will become like trees planted by rivers of water.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - November 9

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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