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November 2
We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. — 2 Cor 10:5 BSB
If we want to remain in Christ, we must put no confidence in ourselves. Self-denial is always the primary requirement for being filled with God’s fullness and power. You know how quickly you tend to jump into action when an emergency arises. When something important to you comes up, you speak impulsively, and then perhaps spend weeks undoing what you said, taking back your thoughts and trying to align with the Lord’s instead. It’s only when we step aside that the Lord can use us. So, be selfless, always pausing your will to ask, “Lord, what is Your will in this matter? What is Your thought about it?”
Those who abide in Christ have learned the habit of restraint and quietness. They are not hasty, reckless talkers, always having an opinion or knowing exactly what they will do. Instead, they hold back their judgment and walk humbly with God. Our headstrong, impulsive nature is what keeps us from hearing and following the Lord’s voice.