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May 23

I know that when I come to you, I will come in the fullness of the blessing of Christ. — Rom 15:29 BSB

Many Christians fail to see that all blessings are centered in Him. They seek the blessing of salvation, but that is not the same as seeking Christ Himself. They want His grace to help them, but that too is not Him. They pray for answers to serve Him, but even that is not Christ. You might have all these things and still not have Christ. Many people are attached more to doctrines—they say, "I have the truth; I am orthodox." But orthodoxy is not Christ. It may be like a cold statue with water flowing from its hands, but no life there. Others seek the blessing of joy, but joy itself is not the same as Christ. Some are more attached to their church or pastor than to Christ. The only blessing that will fill your heart when everything else fails is the heart of Jesus united to yours—the fountain of all your blessings and the only One who will never fail you.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - May 23

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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