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May 18

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. — Col 3:3 BSB

This definite, absolute, and final "putting off" of ourselves in death is something we cannot do on our own. It’s not self-mortification—it’s dying with Christ. Only the Cross of Christ and the Spirit of God can accomplish this. The church is full of people who have been trying for years to crucify themselves, but without success.

If they would only place themselves at Jesus’ feet and let Him do it, they would find rest and victory. On the Cross, He provided for our death as well as our life. Our part is to let His death be applied to our nature just as it has been applied to our sins. Then, we leave it with Him, thinking no more about it, and counting ourselves dead to sin. We no longer recognize our old selves, and we refuse to listen to or fear our sinful nature. Instead, we rely entirely on Him, living each moment as a newborn baby depends on its mother.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - May 18

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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