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January 14

until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, as we mature to the full measure of the stature of Christ. — Eph 4:13 BSB

God loves us too much to let us settle for less than His highest will. One day, we will thank our faithful Teacher, who kept the standard high and gave us the strength to reach it, refusing to excuse us until we had accomplished His glorious purpose.

Let’s be strict with ourselves, meaning exactly what God means, without discounting His promises or commands. Let’s hold up the standard and never rest until we reach it. Let God be true, even if every person is a liar. If we fail a hundred times, we must not lower God's ideal to meet our efforts, but rather lift ourselves up to His standard, like the brave ensign who waved the banner higher when the soldiers called him back, saying, "Don’t bring the standard back to the regiment; bring the regiment up to the standard."

Forward, forward, leave the past behind thee,
Reaching forth unto the things before;
All the Land of Promise lies before thee,
God has greater blessings yet in store.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - January 14

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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