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February 5

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when men prosper in their ways, when they carry out wicked schemes. — Ps 37:7 BSB

In the old creation, the week began with work and ended with Sabbath rest. But in the resurrection week, we start with rest on the first day, and then labor.

We must first cease from our own works, as God did from His, and enter into His rest. From that place of rest, we will labor, with hearts at peace, doing His work with powerful effect.

But why labor to enter rest? Look at a ship sailing restfully over the sea, its sails filled with the wind, effortlessly carried along. Yet, notice the man at the helm. He holds the rudder firmly, steadying the ship against the wind. If he lets go for even a moment, the ship will drift, the sails will flap, and the waves will toss the vessel aimlessly. The restful power of the wind comes from the firm hand on the helm.

Likewise, God promises to keep in perfect peace the one whose mind is steadfast, trusting in Him. Our part is to maintain a steady heart and will. The keeping is the Lord’s. Let us labor, then, to enter and abide in His rest.

I have overcome through Him.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - February 5

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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