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December 31

I am not asking that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one. — John 17:15 BSB

God has placed us here for a higher purpose than just to exist. Our purpose is to represent Him to the world, to be messengers of His Gospel and His will, and to live in such a way that our lives show others how to live for Him.

Just as Christ represents us before the Father in heaven, we are sent here to represent Him on earth. Our calling is no different than that of an ambassador sent to a foreign country with an important message. While we engage in the daily tasks of life, it is simply so we can carry out His business and have the means to use for His kingdom. Christ came from another realm with a special mission, and when His work was done, He returned home to His Father’s dwelling.

Lord, help me to represent You faithfully.

And carry music in our heart
Through busy street and wrangling mart;
Plying our daily task with busier feet,
Because our souls a heavenly strain repeat.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - December 31

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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