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December 3

How great are Your works, O LORD, how deep are Your thoughts! — Ps 92:5 BSB

When a Roman soldier was warned that a certain journey would likely cost him his life, he replied, "It is necessary for me to go; it is not necessary for me to live." That was depth. When we are convinced like that, we will achieve something meaningful.

A shallow person lives by impulses, impressions, and surroundings. But a profound character looks beyond these and moves steadily forward, past the storms and clouds, into the sunshine that always awaits on the other side, trusting in the eventual reward that follows sorrow, seeming defeat, or failure.

When God deepens us, He can entrust us with His deeper truths, profound secrets, and greater responsibilities.

Lord, lead me into the depths of Your life and save me from a shallow experience.

On to broader fields of holy vision,
On to loftier heights of faith and love;
Onward, upward, apprehending fully,
All for which He calls you from above.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - December 3

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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