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April 2
he will dwell on the heights; the mountain fortress will be his refuge; his food will be provided and his water assured. — Isa 33:16 BSB
It's easier for a fully committed Christian to live wholly for God than to live a compromised life. A soul redeemed and sanctified by Christ is too big for the shallow waters of a selfish, worldly, and sinful life. The great steamship, St. Paul, could sail effortlessly in deep water, but it couldn't make progress in a shallow pool or on the sandy shores; in those conditions, even the smallest tugboat would be more useful. But out in the open ocean, the steamship could leave the tugboats far behind in just an hour.
Beloved, your life is too grand, too glorious, too divine for the small, limited place you're trying to live in. Your purpose is too small. Arise and dwell on high in the resurrection life of Jesus, and in the inspiring hope of His glorious return.
Rise with your risen Lord,
Ascend with Christ above,
And in the heavenlies walk with Him,
Whom, though unseen, you love.
Walk as a heavenly race,
Princes of royal blood;
Walk as the children of the light,
The sons and heirs of God.