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October 29

Maintain the Difference

I will make a distinction between My people and your people. This sign will take place tomorrow.’ — Exod 8:23 BSB

Pharaoh has his people, and the Lord has His. While they may live side by side and seem to experience the same events, there is a distinct division between them, and the Lord will make that difference clear. The same events will not continue to happen to both groups forever. There will come a time when a great separation will be evident between the people of the world and the people chosen by the Lord.

This division may be seen during times of judgment when the Lord becomes a refuge for His people. It is most evident in the conversion of believers, when their sins are forgiven while unbelievers remain under condemnation. From that moment on, believers become a distinct people, subject to a new discipline and recipients of new blessings. Their homes are spared from the plagues of sin, such as lust, anxiety, falsehood, and hatred, that torment many in the world.

Rest assured, troubled believer, though you face difficulties, you are spared from worse evils that plague the homes and hearts of those who follow the world’s ways. The Lord has set a division; make sure to maintain that division in your spirit, goals, character, and company.

Faith's Checkbook - October 29

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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