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October 24

Godly Stability

Then I will make you a wall to this people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you to save and deliver you, declares the LORD. — Jer 15:20 BSB

A person who is firm in the fear and faith of God becomes like a wall of brass, impossible to tear down or break. Only the Lord can make such men and women, but how much we need them in the church, in the world, and especially in the pulpit!

This age of falsehood will fight fiercely against those who stand firm in the truth. Satan and his followers are deeply offended by unwavering conviction. They will attack those who stand firm, just as the Assyrians besieged fortified cities. But they cannot prevail against those whom God has strengthened. While others are swayed by every new teaching or trend, those who love the doctrines of grace and are filled with the grace of those doctrines will stand like rocks in the midst of a stormy sea.

What gives us this stability? The answer is found in God’s promise: "I am with you, says the Lord." Jehovah Himself will save and deliver those who remain faithful, no matter how fierce the attacks. Many may come against us, but the Lord of hosts is with us. We cannot and will not move from our place, for the Lord Himself holds us firm, and in His strength, we will remain.

Faith's Checkbook - October 24

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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