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July 19
Heavy-Duty Shoes
May the bolts of your gate be iron and bronze, and may your strength match your days. — Deut 33:25 BSB
Here are two things provided for the pilgrim on their journey: shoes and strength.
Shoes are essential for walking along rough paths and for treading on deadly foes. We will not be left to walk barefoot, for that would not be fitting for children of the King. Our shoes will not be ordinary; they will have soles of iron, strong enough to withstand even the longest and most difficult journey. God will give us protection suited to the challenges of the road and the battle. So let us walk forward boldly, fearing no harm, even when we step on serpents or face the enemy himself.
As for strength, it will be renewed day by day, perfectly matching the demands of each day. “As your days, so shall your strength be.” Today, we may face trials that require great energy, but we can trust that God will give us the strength we need. This promise given to Asher belongs to all who have faith to claim it. Let us walk in the boldness this promise creates, knowing that our strength will always be sufficient for the tasks at hand.