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January 3
Rest on a Promise
And there at the top the LORD was standing and saying, “I am the LORD, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you now lie. — Gen 28:13 BSB
No promise from God is meant for just one person; it belongs to all believers. If you, my brother, can, in faith, rest on a promise and find peace in it, then it is yours. Just as Jacob stopped, rested, and took comfort where he was, he unknowingly claimed ownership of that land. As he stretched out on the ground, using the stones as his pillows, he had no idea that he was laying claim to the very land where he dreamt of that incredible ladder connecting earth and heaven. And since the ladder touched the ground where he lay, he had a rightful claim to that place, for how else could he have reached the divine stairway?
All of God's promises are "Yes" and "Amen" in Christ Jesus, and since He is ours, every promise is ours if we will simply rest upon it with peaceful faith.
So, come, weary one, and use the Lord’s words as your pillows. Lie down in peace, and let your thoughts be filled only with Him. Jesus is your ladder of light. See the angels moving up and down on Him, connecting your soul with God, and be assured that this promise is your God-given inheritance. It’s not wrong for you to take it personally, as if it were spoken just for you.