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January 19

Mouth Confession; Heart Belief

that if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. — Rom 10:9 BSB

There must be confession with the mouth. Have I made it? Have I openly declared my faith in Jesus as the Savior whom God has raised from the dead? Have I done it in the way God requires? Let me answer this question honestly.

There must also be belief in the heart. Do I truly believe in the risen Lord Jesus? Do I trust Him as my only hope of salvation? Is this trust genuine, coming from my heart? Let me answer as if before God.

If I can truly say that I have both confessed Christ and believed in Him, then I am saved. The scripture doesn’t say it might be so; it’s as clear as day: “You shall be saved.” As a believer and a confessor, I can claim this promise and present it before God at this moment, throughout my life, at the hour of my death, and on the Day of Judgment.

I must be saved from the guilt of sin, the power of sin, the punishment of sin, and eventually from the very presence of sin. God has said it—“You shall be saved.” I believe it. I will be saved. I am saved. Glory be to God forever and ever!

Faith's Checkbook - January 19

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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