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August 5

Law in the Heart

The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not falter. — Ps 37:31 BSB

When God’s law is written on the heart, the entire person is made right. This is where the law belongs: like the stone tablets in the ark, in the place appointed for it. In the head, the law confuses; on the back, it becomes a burden; but in the heart, it upholds.

What a beautiful phrase: “the law of his God”! When we know the Lord as our own God, His law becomes our liberty. When God enters into a covenant with us, we are eager to obey His will and walk in His commands. If the command comes from my Father, I find joy in following it.

Here we are promised that the person whose heart is set on obedience will be sustained in every step. They will act rightly, and thus wisely. Obedient actions are always the wisest, even if they don’t seem so at the time. When we walk in God’s law, we move along the highway of His providence and grace. God’s Word has never misled anyone; its simple directives to live humbly, justly, lovingly, and in reverence of the Lord are both wise guides for a prosperous life and holy rules to keep our hearts pure. Those who walk in righteousness walk securely.

Faith's Checkbook - August 5

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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