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August 30

Solace, Security, Satisfaction

Is not my house right with God? For He has established with me an everlasting covenant, ordered and secured in every part. Will He not bring about my full salvation and my every desire? — 2 Sam 23:5 BSB

This isn’t just one promise; it’s a collection of promises—a treasure chest of jewels. The covenant is the ark that holds everything we need.

These were David’s last words, but they can be mine today. Here is a sigh: things aren’t as I wish they were—there are trials, worries, and sins. These make life harder.

But here is the comfort: “He has made an everlasting covenant with me.” God has pledged Himself to me and sealed the promise with the blood of Jesus. I am bound to God, and God is bound to me.

This covenant brings security, because it’s everlasting, perfectly arranged, and certain. There’s nothing to fear from the passing of time, from some forgotten detail, or from the natural uncertainties of life. The covenant is a rock-solid foundation to build on for both life and death.

David felt satisfied—he needed nothing more for his salvation or happiness. He was delivered, and he was delighted. The covenant is everything a person could want.

O my soul, turn today to the Lord Jesus, whom the great God has given as a covenant to the people. Take Him as your all in all.

Faith's Checkbook - August 30

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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