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August 19
Reward for the Righteous
Then men will say, “There is surely a reward for the righteous! There is surely a God who judges the earth!” — Ps 58:11 BSB
God’s judgments are not always visible in this life, for often, good and bad alike share the same fate. This life is a period of probation, not yet of full judgment or reward. Still, at times, God’s justice shines through unmistakably, and even the indifferent must acknowledge His hand.
Even now, righteousness brings its own reward, most notably the peace of a clear conscience and the smile of God. Sometimes earthly rewards follow, as God will not be in anyone’s debt. However, the ultimate reward for righteousness lies in the world to come.
On a larger scale, we see God’s rule in the rise and fall of nations. He breaks the power of oppressive rulers and punishes sinful peoples. History reveals that there is a higher power at work, enforcing justice and holding iniquity accountable. Sin will not go unpunished, nor will goodness go unrewarded. The Judge of all the earth will do what is right. Therefore, let us fear Him and no longer dread the power of the wicked.