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Spurgeon's Prayer: A New Heart of Sensitivity
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
— Ezekiel 36:26 (BSB)
A new heart is the master work of God.
— Charles Spurgeon
Heavenly Father, we come before You today with a deep longing for the transformation that only You can bring. We pray that You would take away our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh, hearts that are sensitive to Your leading. Make us responsive to Your voice, so that even the gentlest whisper of Your Spirit would move us to action. May we not be like stubborn mules that need a bridle to be led, but like obedient children eager to follow Your guidance.
Lord, we ask for hearts that desire everything that is pure, honest, unselfish, and Christlike. Let our thoughts, our desires, and our imaginations be shaped by Your Word. May we naturally seek what is holy and pleasing to You, and may we be quick to turn away from anything that would lead us into sin.
Holy Spirit, dwell within us. Take full control of our lives, and rule over us in all things. Transform us into the likeness of Christ, and make us instruments of righteousness in Your hands. We ask that You would guide us in holiness, and that our lives would reflect the beauty of Your character.
As we go about our day, may we be sensitive to Your leading. Help us to walk in step with Your Spirit, living in obedience to Your will. Let our hearts be filled with love for You and for others, and may our actions be a reflection of the grace that You have shown us.
We offer ourselves to You today, Lord, as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to You. Use us for Your glory, and continue to work in us, transforming us from the inside out. Amen.