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Spurgeon's Prayer: The Grief and Love of God
The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.
— 2 Peter 3:9 (BSB)
It is not your hold of Christ that saves you, but His hold of you.
— Charles Spurgeon
Our Father, we are humbled when we reflect on Your descriptions of human nature. You have observed us since the fall, and Your heart has been grieved by what You see in us. Yet, in the midst of this, Your love is profound. Your judgments are true, and though we have fallen so far from Your standard, You have never dealt with us harshly. Instead, You placed our sins upon Christ in Your perfect justice.
We are deeply troubled when we see the condition to which we, and all humanity, have fallen. Where can we boast? There is nothing within us worthy of pride, yet we often boast, when we should be silent before You. The fact that You even consider us amazes us—humanity that crucified Your Son, that constantly rebels against Your laws. Yet, You are still pleased to dwell among us because of Jesus Christ, who took on our humanity and covered our shame with His radiance.
Father, we once thought that the descriptions of our hearts were exaggerated. But now we know that without Your grace and restraint, we could have committed the worst of sins. If not for the new life You have given us, our old nature would have led us to unimaginable darkness. We recognize that we are so deceitful, that even our pride would consume us if You left us unchecked.
Thank You for Your mercy and for covering our unrighteousness with Your grace. May we live our days proclaiming, “Behold the Lamb,” and let our lives reflect the love You have shown us. Amen.