Morning Prayer

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Spurgeon's Prayer: Belonging to Christ

I belong to my beloved and he belongs to me; he pastures his flock among the lilies.
— Song of Solomon 6:3 (BSB)

The Christian’s life should be one of confidence, knowing we are safe in Christ. His love is deeper than we can fathom.
— Charles Spurgeon

Lord Jesus, we thank You for the deep bond we have with You. We belong to You, and You belong to us. You have drawn us into union with Yourself through Your love and sacrifice. Today, we rejoice that nothing can separate us from Your love. We feel the bonds of kinship deep within our hearts. You have redeemed us, made us Your own, and we are forever Yours.

Though we are far from You by distance, we are near to Your heart. You see us, You hear our praises, and You even hear our groans. To know that we are so precious to You fills our hearts with joy and love. We long to come closer, to push through the crowd and bow at Your feet, worshiping You with all our hearts.

Lord, we thank You for being our closest relative, our Redeemer. You have paid the price to bring us back to God, and we can never repay You for what You have done. Our lives are Yours, and we long to live fully for You. Unite our hearts with Yours today, that we may live in constant communion with You.

Jesus, we declare that we are Yours, and You are ours. Help us walk today in the confidence of this truth. May our hearts be filled with Your love, and may our lives reflect the beauty of belonging to You. We love You, Lord, and we worship You with all that we are.

Spurgeon's Prayer: Belonging to Christ

Public domain content adapted from Pulpit Prayers by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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