Morning Prayer

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Monday, Week 6

You will pray to Him, and He will hear you, and you will fulfill your vows.
— Job 22:27 (BSB)

Prayer is your way, often the only way, to water the harvest. By prayer you can bring the Holy Spirit’s blessing on any gospel effort anywhere in the world.
— Wesley L. Duewel

O God, we are thankful that we are Your children. We are not merely Your creatures. You have made the stars, the birds, and the flowers — but the stars, the birds, and the flowers are not Your children as we are. You have made us in Your own image. You have given us immortal souls. We thank You for the place we occupy in the scale of creation. May You help us to be worthy of our nobility, as the children of God, and live as Your children should live.

You have made us for a purpose. You have a plan for each of our lives — something You intend us to be and to do. We desire to fulfill Your purpose for us. Help us to accept Your will, and do what You would have us to do. Help us now, this morning, as we go out into the world, to go in the way You have marked out for us. We desire to serve our own generation. May You show us what You would have us to do — and enable us to do it.

Put Your love in our hearts, so that we shall feel toward the world as You do feel toward it. May we look upon sinners as You look upon them. May we have Your patience, Your compassion, Your spirit of helpfulness, Your pitying love. It seems little that we can do for our generation — the world is so large, and we are so small. Yet You have taught us that no true work done for You shall fail. Help us to make our little spot of the world holier, brighter, sweeter, happier. Help us to live out Your life in the place to which You have assigned us, serving those who are close about us. Thus we shall at least be a blessing to one small corner of Your great world.

Give us a profitable day, our Father — full of Your love and grace. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Monday, Week 6

Public domain content taken from Family Prayers for Thirteen Weeks by J.R. Miller.

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