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Monday, Week 6
I am not asking that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one.
— John 17:15 (BSB)
The angel fetched Peter out of prison, but it was prayer that fetched the angel.
— Thomas Watson
We thank You, Father, for another day. One by one, You give the days to us. They are given to us to be used for You. They are not ours to waste and squander in idleness; much less are they ours to fill with selfishness, or to blacken and stain with sin. They are ours to employ in holy obedience, in loving service.
The day comes to us as a white page on which to write words of beauty which others may read; and which will be read at last, when the books are opened in the final judgment. They come as ships which we are to fill with good things, to be borne away to bless others.
We bring You now another day. If we have written anything on the page which is not uplifting and beautiful — may You blot it out. If there are stains upon it — may You remove them. If we have given the day any messages for the judgment day which can only shame us then — may You expunge them.
If we have put selfishness into this day, instead of deeds of love for it to bear to others — we ask also for forgiveness. We cannot have it back again to correct, and so we ask You to change its evil into good, as You made the sin of Joseph's brothers against him, to work out good in the end. As we turn from our day, never to see it again until we meet it in the judgment — we entrust it to You.
You are merciful and gracious. Bless our home tonight. You who slumber not, have us in Your holy keeping and let no evil come near unto us. Bless us as a family, and grant us Your peace. Prepare us for tomorrow, and when the day comes, grant to us Your presence and new grace for the new day. We ask all in the name of our Savior and Redeemer. Amen.