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September 21
“Yes, Lord–but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table!” — Matt 15:27
When Jesus spoke to the poor Gentile woman in the language of the time, as if she were but a ‘dog‘–she was not offended. She was willing to be as a dog under the Master’s table. She was ready to grant to the Jews–the children’s place. The position Jesus had assigned to her satisfied her. For the dogs under the table did not starve. The children were first served, and then the pieces of food which they let fall, belonged to the dogs. Even the crumbs from that table were enough for her. Thus her humility and also her faith were shown.
We should come to Christ with a deep sense of our unworthiness, ready to take the lowest place; and we should realize that even the crumbs of his grace and love are better than all the feasts of this world.