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October 31

May He incline our hearts to Himself, to walk in all His ways and to keep the commandments and statutes and ordinances He commanded our fathers. — 1 Kgs 8:58 BSB

We must be obedient and faithful, or we risk forfeiting the promises of God. Our hearts are prone to wander, and we are easily led astray. That’s why it’s essential to make this prayer a part of our lives—that God may incline our hearts toward Him and help us walk in His ways.

We are instructed to guard our hearts diligently, for the heart is the source of all motives and actions. Yet in our weakness, we cannot do this alone. That’s why we need God’s help to keep our hearts.

Fenelon’s prayer is a beautiful example of this: “Lord, take my heart, for I cannot give it to You; and when You have it, keep it, for I cannot keep it for You. Save me in spite of myself, for Jesus Christ’s sake.” This is a fitting prayer for any of us.

God will never force us to obey, but He will grant us the grace of His Holy Spirit if we ask. He will incline our hearts toward Him, drawing us into His ways. It’s important to continually pray for His Spirit’s guidance, so we may walk faithfully in His commandments.

Daily Comfort - October 31

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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