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November 1

“Be angry, yet do not sin.” Do not let the sun set upon your anger, — Eph 4:26 BSB

It’s good for us to have moments that feel like endings in life, even if they’re temporary. These pauses remind us to reflect and consider the true end of our lives, after which there will be no new beginning in this world. The evening brings a natural stop to our daily work. We leave the tools of our trade—whether it’s a plough, hammer, or axe—and go home, knowing our day’s work is finished. But what if we never return to it? Every sunset should be a time to evaluate our lives, finishing each day as if it might be the last.

Even more so, when we kneel in prayer at the end of the day, we should reflect on anything that might have gone wrong. We should make things right, clearing our hearts of bitterness or resentment. Life is too uncertain to go to sleep holding on to anger or envy. The Bible’s advice, “Don’t let the sun go down while you’re still angry,” is wise indeed.

Daily Comfort - November 1

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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