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November 22

What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? — Matt 16:26 BSB

Eternal life is the only thing truly worth living for. No matter how much pleasure, success, or honor a person achieves in this world, if they reach the end of life unsaved, what good will it do them to remember their enjoyable earthly existence?

There’s a story of a rich man who lost his fortune. He gathered what little he had left—a few thousand dollars—and decided to move to a new place to start over. He used all his money to buy a luxurious car, furnishing it lavishly for the journey. He traveled in comfort, but when he arrived at his destination, he realized he had spent every cent. He had nothing left to begin his new life.

This illustrates the folly of those who focus only on this life and make no preparation for eternity. They spend all their time, energy, and resources on worldly things, only to arrive at the gate of the grave with nothing saved up for eternity. The only true success is one that makes a person rich for eternity.

Daily Comfort - November 22

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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