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November 14

Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of Him to the other side, while He dismissed the crowds. — Matt 14:22 BSB

Even when Christ sends us out, we may still encounter storms. This was true for the disciples, who were sent by Jesus to cross the sea, only to face a terrible storm. We shouldn’t expect that following Christ will always mean smooth sailing. When we face obstacles or hardships, it doesn’t necessarily mean we’re on the wrong path or that God is telling us to stop. Sometimes, these challenges are meant to strengthen our faith and push us to greater efforts.

The disciples went through a night of terror, but it became one of their most meaningful experiences. Afterward, they understood their need for Christ more deeply, and they witnessed His power in a way they hadn’t before. If Jesus hadn’t stayed behind and later walked on the water to them, they never would have seen this side of His glory.

In our own lives, we often don’t see the beauty of Christ’s grace until we go through the dark nights of struggle. Sometimes, we have to walk through difficult times alone to learn lessons we wouldn’t have understood otherwise, including our deep need for Him.

Daily Comfort - November 14

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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