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May 7

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! — Phil 4:4 BSB

The Bible emphasizes joy as an essential part of the Christian life. Jesus spoke of His desire that His disciples would have His joy fulfilled in them. Paul encouraged Christians to rejoice always and listed joy as a fruit of the Spirit.

Christian joy is not the same as temporary excitement or hilarity. A person may be experiencing deep sorrow and still have the joy of the Lord in their heart. This joy is an inner fountain, supplied from heaven. Every Christian should have this joy because it is part of the ideal Christian character. Yet, many Christians seem to lack it. Their moods rise and fall like the mercury in a thermometer, depending on their circumstances. When life is pleasant, they have joy. When life is difficult, their joy vanishes.

But we need to know how to obtain the joy of Christ. One secret is complete devotion to God’s will. Another is serving others. Only when we learn to live a life of love—"not to be served but to serve"—can we experience deep, lasting joy. Every self-denial or sacrifice made in love for someone else adds to our joy. We only reach the fullness of life when joy flows from our heart and shines through our actions.

Daily Comfort - May 7

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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