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May 6

Some of those present, however, expressed their indignation to one another: “Why this waste of perfume? — Mark 14:4 BSB

There are some who believe that every sacrifice made for Christ’s sake is a waste. They think that the money used to build churches or to send missionaries is wasted. They believe lives are wasted when people devote themselves to Christ and sacrifice for His service. But is this true? Is the money spent on advancing Christ’s kingdom truly wasted? Are the lives that are poured out in love for Christ wasted?

There is indeed money that is wasted, but it’s the money spent on selfish and sinful purposes, or on the extravagances of worldly pleasure. There are lives that are wasted, but these are the lives thrown away in evil pursuits, given over to pleasure, dissipation, lust, and passion.

In fact, all lives are wasted that are not given up for Christ’s sake, for didn’t He say, “Whoever saves their life will lose it”? To withhold one’s life from Christ is to waste it. It’s significant that Jesus used the same word for “wasted” when He described Judas as a “son of perdition.” Judas wasted something far more precious than costly ointment—he wasted the gift of eternal life that had once been within his reach. Whatever we give to Christ is the only part of our life or substance that is not wasted.

Daily Comfort - May 6

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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