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May 3

I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. — Gen 12:2 BSB

This is God’s message and offer to all of us. He wants to bless us, and in turn, He wants us to be a blessing to others. God often sends His blessings through human intermediaries. When He wants to bless a little child, He places a gift of love in a mother’s heart. When He wants to bless a group of young people or children, He sends a teacher full of love and interest. When He wants to bless a community, He raises up a good person with a heart ready to spread blessings among the people.

When God enriches us with gifts—whether it’s money, talents, or something else—He wants us to use them to bless others. Nothing we receive is meant just for us. We are blessed so that we can share those blessings. When God gives someone wealth, it’s so they can use it to help others. When He gives someone the gift of music, eloquence, or artistic talent, He intends for them to use those gifts to make the world better and brighter. We should never live only for ourselves. Our goal should always be to make the world purer, holier, and kinder.

Daily Comfort - May 3

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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