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May 27

Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. — Mark 13:28 BSB

The parable of the fig tree teaches us not to ignore the signs of future things. While we are told not to worry about tomorrow, we are also called to be watchful and prepared for what lies ahead. A good sailor watches the skies and would be foolish not to pay attention to signs of an approaching storm. A wise farmer watches for the coming of winter and gathers his harvest, shelters his livestock, and prepares his home before the cold arrives. In the same way, we should observe the “signs of the times” and adjust our course accordingly.

Young people, as they begin to sense life’s possibilities and hear God’s call, should be reminded of the duties and responsibilities that lie ahead. They should prepare themselves diligently for the future that God is shaping for them. Each stage of life brings its own tasks, and there are always signs that, if heeded, will help us prepare for what’s coming. If we are faithful today, we will be ready for tomorrow, and no event—however sudden—will find us unprepared.

Daily Comfort - May 27

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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