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March 23

I am not asking that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one. — John 17:15 BSB

Christ doesn’t wish to keep us from suffering, but in our suffering, He wants to keep us from sin. He doesn’t wish for us to avoid sickness, but in our sickness, He wants us to remain patient, sweet, and trusting. He doesn’t wish to shield us from trials or struggles, but in these, He wants us to remain victorious, with our lives intact.

There is only one true evil in the world—sin, and it hides everywhere! Even in our purest joys, it can creep in. We may forget God in our happiness. The happiest home can become dangerous, leading us into self-indulgence, laziness, and neglect of duty. We may even forget God altogether.

There is no sin in being hated by the world or wronged by others. But if we grow bitter and seek revenge, we have sinned. There is no sin in being tempted; we cannot live without facing temptation. But the moment we give in to temptation, we have sinned. There is no sin in adversity, loss, or disappointment. But the moment we complain, doubt God, or rebel against His will, we have done evil and sinned.

Daily Comfort - March 23

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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