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March 14
My conscience is clear, but that does not vindicate me. It is the Lord who judges me. — 1 Cor 4:4 BSB
There’s a story of a young composer whose music was being performed. The audience was thrilled and applauded wildly as the piece was played. But the composer paid no attention to their cheers. His eyes were fixed on one man in the audience—his teacher. He cared far more about the approval on his teacher’s face than all the applause from the crowd.
In the same way, we should always be focused on pleasing Christ, watching His face to see if He is pleased with our actions. It matters far more what He thinks than what the world thinks. If we live to win His approval, we won’t fear the day when all our deeds are revealed before the judgment throne.
You who see my soul within,
You who know my unknown sin,
Through your holy eyes let me
Learn what sin is unto Thee.
Make me, Pure One, as You are,
Pure in mind and soul and heart;
Never satisfied with less
Than Your perfect holiness.