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January 19

For He knows our frame; He is mindful that we are dust. — Ps 103:14 BSB

God does not treat us as if we were strong, unfallen angels. He knows how weak we are, how hard it is for us to live rightly, and how easily we fall into temptation. When we sin, He is patient and gentle with us, binding up our wounds and restoring our souls. He never gives us burdens that are too heavy for us to carry, for He knows our frailty. And when our burdens are difficult, He gives us the help we need to bear them.

These truths should bring us great comfort.

You may say, “I am too weak to resist temptation.” But doesn’t God know this? Won’t He give you the strength to overcome?

You may be weary from trouble or burden-bearing, but God understands. He knows how hard it is, and He remembers that we are but dust. He is compassionate and always provides the help we need.

Daily Comfort - January 19

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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