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February 13

Now present yourselves, so that I may confront you before the LORD with all the righteous acts He has done for you and your fathers. — 1 Sam 12:7 BSB

It is good to pause sometimes and look back at the way God has led us. We can be sure of one thing—God’s ways are always right. Some of them may seem hard. We all face trials, disappointments, sorrows, and suffering. There’s no way to see the goodness in these experiences except through faith in God’s unfailing righteousness. Yet a deep conviction of this truth brings peace, even in the darkest hour. God cannot be unloving. He is our Father.

It does us good to stand before God at times and look back at our lives, seeing all our experiences in the light of His love. We cannot understand when everything seems dark and mysterious, but we know God is righteous, and righteousness is goodness. If we hold onto this belief throughout life, no matter what happens, faith will survive, and its light will shine like a star in the darkest night.

Daily Comfort - February 13

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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