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December 30

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. — Heb 13:8 BSB

As we move through life, we are always leaving things behind. We will never go back over the closing year. We never pass through the same experience twice. We go through infancy once, childhood once, youth once, manhood and womanhood once, old age once, and we die once. But through all these changes, Christ remains the same—unchanged and unchanging.

The Christ of childhood is the Christ of old age. No matter what changes the years bring, we must always keep our eyes on the living Christ. He will always be all we need. There will never be a path He cannot lead us through, a valley He cannot light, a battle He cannot fight, or an experience He cannot carry us through. As we leave this year behind, we don’t leave Christ behind. We don’t need to fear the future if we go forward with Him. We may not have traveled this way before, but Christ knows the way, and if we follow Him, all will be well.

Daily Comfort - December 30

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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