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August 31

“Meanwhile, the people in Judah said, ”The strength of the laborers is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall!" — Neh 4:10

There are always croakers and discouragers! They find fault with their part of the work, and object to the methods of those in charge.

We remember how it was with the spies sent to look over the promised land. It was a good country, they said, rich and fertile–but, oh, the giants that were there! So these ten frightened men discouraged a whole nation!

People are forever making it harder for others to live righteously–by going about with their murmurings and groanings!

These people of Judah in Nehemiah’s time, seem to have been only half-hearted. They were not willing to make sacrifices to get the city rebuilt.

Nothing good is ever accomplished without cost! Gold is not picked up in the streets! Half-heartedness is not merely weakness; it is sin! All through the ages, men who have been blessings to the world, have been willing to bear burdens that were too heavy for them. Easy living never accomplished much for God or the world!

Daily Comfort - August 31

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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