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August 30
So we prayed to our God and posted a guard against them day and night. — Neh 4:9 BSB
We are in danger of using prayer as an excuse to avoid responsibility. Prayer is not a substitute for action. When we pray for deliverance from temptation, we must also take steps to avoid it. When we ask for daily bread, we must be willing to work to earn it. While prayer is essential, we must also do our part.
A lazy man once asked for help, saying he couldn’t find bread for his family. The person he asked replied, “Neither can I! I have to work for it!”
When we pray for health, we must also take care of our bodies. When we ask for wisdom, we must seek it through study and reflection. When we pray for help in overcoming a bad habit, we must actively work to break it.
Prayer is not a way to avoid toil, struggle, or responsibility. While there are times when only God’s power can help, most of the time, we must do our part. We must labor, struggle, and trust that God will work through our efforts.
“I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me!” (Colossians 1:29).