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August 27

“If you keep quiet at a time like this . . . you and your relatives will die! What’s more, who can say but that you have been elevated to the palace for just such a time as this?” — Esth 4:14

Often we sin by speaking, and do incalculable harm with our words. But there are times when it is a sin not to speak–when to be silent is to fail in duty. We are not to speak out the wrong thoughts that may be in our heart–but the good thoughts and feelings which burn within us it is usually our duty to utter. We should never hesitate to speak out boldly in confession of Christ, when his honor is assailed by his enemies. To walk with an impenitent friend day after day and year after year, in close association with him, and never to speak a word to him about his spiritual life–is to commit a grievous sin against him.

We have many cautions about watching our speech, and withholding words that are not good; but we need to beware also lest we fail to speak the words we ought to speak. Especially should we beware of silence about spiritual and eternal things. God gives to each of us a message–a gospel message to others—and we dare not fail to deliver it. We scarcely ever lack words when the themes are trivial; but amid the trivial talk, let us not fail to speak some word which shall not be forgotten.

Daily Comfort - August 27

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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