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April 19
“Take away the stone,” Jesus said. “Lord, by now he stinks,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man. “It has already been four days.” — John 11:39 BSB
Throughout His life, Jesus showed an economy of miracles. He never used supernatural power unless it was necessary. Could Jesus have removed the stone from Lazarus’s tomb Himself? Certainly. The same power that called Lazarus from the dead could have moved the stone. But there is always something for human hands to do.
God honors us by allowing us to work alongside Him in both providence and grace. He provides for us, but we must labor to earn our daily bread. He saves souls, but He uses people to share the message and help win the lost. His work is dependent on our faithfulness in doing our part. He still calls us to “take away the stones” that trap our friends in their prisons.
This command also tests our faith. If Lazarus’s friends had refused to roll away the stone, the miracle could not have happened. “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” Many times, in our own lives, Christ stands ready to perform great works of divine power, but they don’t come to pass because we do not believe.