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April 11
Meanwhile, the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain Jesus had designated. — Matt 28:16 BSB
We should always keep the appointments Jesus makes with us. If we fail to do so, we will surely be the ones who lose out. Imagine if some of the disciples had decided not to go to the meeting in Galilee. Perhaps they might have said, “It’s too far,” or “The mountain is steep, and it will be difficult to climb,” or “What if it rains?” or “I don’t really understand how Jesus can be alive again.” For these or other reasons, they could have chosen to stay away. But think of what they would have missed! They would not have seen the risen Lord or heard His words of commissioning and promise. They would have regretted missing that encounter for the rest of their lives.
Christ makes many appointments for us too. Sometimes we don’t see them as important and let ourselves be hindered from showing up. But we can never know what blessings we miss by neglecting these moments. Jesus always comes where He asks us to meet Him and blesses those who faithfully gather to wait for Him. We may not know what we are missing on any ordinary Sunday when we stay away from the services Jesus has called us to.