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April 10
Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they went to the tomb. They were asking one another, “Who will roll away the stone from the entrance of the tomb?” But when they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away, even though it was extremely large. — Mark 16:2-4 BSB
The women on their way to the tomb worried about the heavy stone that blocked the entrance. They knew it was too large for them to move with their frail hands, and they wondered how it could be removed. But when they arrived at the tomb, they looked up and saw that the stone had already been rolled away!
This story mirrors many experiences in our lives. We worry about difficulties and obstacles that seem to block our way, but when we move forward in obedience and reach the place of the supposed hindrance, we often find that the obstacle is gone—or that it was never really there! Many of our anxieties turn out to be groundless.
We should learn from this example: when God sends us on a mission, He will also make it possible for us to complete it. The path of duty opens up as we move forward, not before we start but as we obey. This doesn’t mean we won’t face difficulties or obstacles along the way—God never promised that. In fact, too easy a path might do us more harm than good! The challenges that remain in our path can become stepping-stones, helping us rise to greater Christian maturity and nobler character.