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September 7

I will give you the treasures of darkness and the riches hidden in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by name. — Isa 45:3 BSB

Isn’t it a strange expression—“treasures of darkness”? How can there be darkness in the City of Salvation, where the Lord and the Lamb are the eternal light? The phrase doesn’t mean that the treasures themselves are dark, but that they were hidden in darkness until they were brought to light. Think of the treasures of Belshazzar—like hidden bank vaults—they were kept in darkness until Cyrus broke them open and revealed them.

Spiritually, the same is true. Are there not treasures in the Lord Jesus? Oh, what treasures of grace are found in His glorious Person! What treasures of pardon in His precious blood! What treasures of righteousness in His perfect obedience! What treasures of salvation are found in everything He is and has as the great High Priest over the house of God! Yet all these treasures remain hidden in darkness as long as they are concealed from our eyes and hearts. It’s only when His power brings us into the City of Salvation that these treasures are revealed, made known, and given to us. They’re not just seen—like a bank clerk sees currency—they’re given to us, placed in our possession by a divine gift from the Court of Heaven.

No one can grasp the treasures of grace in the Lord Jesus until they’re brought out of darkness into God’s marvelous light, until they know Him and the power of His resurrection through the sweet manifestations of His presence and love. The word “treasures” itself implies something hidden, but also abundant. The treasures of Christ are infinite, incalculable, and inexhaustible. They’re more than enough to meet the needs of every believer. When faith gives us a glimpse of Christ’s Person and work, and we see the overflowing fullness of His grace—how it overpowers all the abundance of sin—it fills us with wonder and admiration. To see the virtue and efficacy of His atoning blood, which “cleanses from all sin,” and His divine righteousness which covers all who believe—what treasures of mercy, pardon, and peace are revealed! To see these by faith is to know something of the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge. Though the sun may cease to shine and the earth may fail to yield its produce, these treasures will remain, unexhausted and infinite.

Daily Blessings - September 7

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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