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November 11
But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. — Gal 5:18 BSB
If we are led by the Spirit and walk in Him—if He is our Guide and Teacher, constantly working in our hearts and bringing us the grace of His presence—if He is with us, guiding us into truth, helping us believe, love, pray, and stay humble, sincere, and watchful, then we are no longer under the law. While we may feel the conflict of sin within us, we often feel like we are under the law’s curse. We hear its condemnation in our conscience when we fall into sin and guilt. The law's accusations echo, and we feel trapped in doubt and fear.
But when we are led by the Spirit, He guides us to Christ’s blood and righteousness. His teachings and influence bring light, life, freedom, and love, freeing us from the curse of the law. The law no longer has the power to condemn us to hell or keep us under God’s curse. Being led by the Spirit means we are delivered from the law’s curse and into the blessing of the gospel, from bondage to freedom, from accusations to peace. We are transferred from darkness into the kingdom of God’s Son. How blessed it is to walk in the Spirit and be led by Him!