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May 4

On that day the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of Israel’s survivors. — Isa 4:2 BSB

The "fruit of the earth" refers to the gracious and holy fruit that came from the Branch—Jesus Christ. It is called the "fruit of the earth" because it appeared on earth during His time here. This includes not only all His words, works, and ways, but also all the parables, doctrines, precepts, and promises spoken by the Son of God while He lived on earth. Moreover, all the benefits and blessings of redemption that come from His person—such as His atoning blood, His glorious righteousness, His sacrificial love, His resurrection, and His power to save completely those who come to God through Him—are considered "the fruit of the earth." This is because they were accomplished by Him on this earth, during His days in the flesh, when His gracious feet walked upon this world.

This fruit is "excellent" to those who have escaped judgment. They see its divine excellence and find no fault in it. It is perfect in every part, complete at its core, and glorifies God. It is perfectly suited to meet every need and soothe every sorrow for those who are left in Zion and remain in Jerusalem.

It is also "lovely." In His suffering, His shedding of blood, His obedience, His holy life, and His sacrificial death, there is a surpassing beauty. This beauty shines forth with divine glory and heavenly splendor. The word used for "lovely" here is the same word translated as "beauty" in the holy garments made for Aaron (Exodus 28:2), which he wore while ministering before the Lord in the holy place. Likewise, our great High Priest, Jesus, now ministers within the veil, clothed in the holiness and beauty of His glorified humanity. As faith grasps this, the Church joyfully declares, "I sat under His shadow with great delight, and His fruit was sweet to my taste." His glory is evident in our salvation—honor and majesty have been laid upon Him.

Daily Blessings - May 4

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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