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October 28

The True Vine

I am the true vine, and My Father is the keeper of the vineyard. — John 15:1 BSB

This is a wonderful Vine. It grew up like "a root out of dry ground," without beauty or majesty. The soil where it was planted seemed too barren to produce anything good. But its origin was divine, and it blossomed into luxuriant beauty. Though men, in their rage, tried to destroy this Vine, which held such blessing for the earth, it was not destroyed. Instead, it was lifted from the earth and transplanted to heaven. There, in the garden of God, its roots were anchored, and the Vine itself extended back down to earth, spreading branches in all directions. Every human life that attaches itself to this Vine becomes a branch, drawing life from its fullness and sharing in its fruitfulness.

These branches are not left to grow wild or untended but receive wise and loving care. It should bring us great comfort to know that, as branches, we are cared for by the best of husbandmen—our heavenly Father: "Your Father is the husbandman." We can be certain that His care will be both wise and gentle. If an inexperienced or unskilled person were to enter a vineyard and start cutting away at the vines, they might quickly destroy them, not knowing what to prune or what to leave.

But when the caretaker is skilled and experienced, there is no danger in the pruning. Sometimes the vine may seem to be pruned harshly, as if it's being cut back too much. But we can trust that He knows what He is doing and that every cut is for the good of the branches. In time, we will see greater fruitfulness as the result of His careful work.

Daily Word of God - October 28

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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