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November 3
Life-Giving Knowledge
Now this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent. — John 17:3 BSB
Anyone who truly knows God has eternal life. But knowing God is more than just knowing about Him. A person may have all the doctrinal knowledge of God’s character, attributes, and works as revealed in the Bible, and yet not truly know God in the way that gives life. We may know all about a great figure from history, but that doesn’t mean we know them personally. However, if we meet them, become closely acquainted, and develop a deep friendship with them, then we really know them. This is the kind of personal knowledge of God referred to in this verse. We first learn about Him, and then we seek Him and find Him. He brings us into His family, fills our hearts with His love, and gives us His Spirit. Then we learn to trust and love Him. This is the kind of knowing that gives eternal life.
But how can we meet God and form this intimate relationship with Him? The verse gives us the answer: "That they might know You ... and Jesus Christ." We are taught elsewhere that we can know God only through Jesus Christ. "No one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him." Jesus is the revelation of the Father to us: "Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father." We can come to know Christ in His humanity, and through Him, know God and have Him as our closest Friend. M’Cheyne once said, “I seem to know more of the Lord Jesus Christ than of my most intimate friend on earth.” Shouldn’t we all seek this kind of personal friendship with Christ? The more we trust Him, the more we will know Him, and the more we will love Him.