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November 20

Peter’s Fall

Simon Peter was still standing and warming himself. So they asked him, “Aren’t you also one of His disciples?” He denied it and said, “I am not.” — John 18:25 BSB

For our own sake, we should take note of the steps that led to Peter’s fall. One step was his overconfidence. When Jesus warned him, Peter protested and said that even if everyone else abandoned Christ, he never would. When we become boastful, we are in great danger. True safety comes from acknowledging our weakness and trusting fully in God.

Another step toward Peter’s fall was sleeping in the garden when he should have been watching and praying. That time was given to prepare for the coming temptation, but Peter didn’t take advantage of it.

A further step was Peter’s rashness in drawing his sword in the garden. This reckless act made him afraid of being arrested, leading him to try to hide his connection with Jesus. Rash actions often lead to trouble later.

Peter’s next misstep was following Jesus from a distance. This showed a weakening faith and courage. Following Christ from afar is always risky. It shows a divided loyalty and fading devotion. In itself, it is already a partial denial. The only safe and worthy way to follow Christ is with unwavering commitment and wholehearted consecration.

Then Peter took another step toward his fall by sitting down with the servants of the high priest. He joined them to hide his relationship with Jesus. The only safe course for a Christian is to openly declare their discipleship wherever they are.

After these steps, Peter was almost bound to openly deny his Lord. The time to guard ourselves is at the first sign of faltering.

Daily Word of God - November 20

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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