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November 14

Lost Opportunities

When Jesus returned the third time, He said, “Are you still sleeping and resting? That is enough! The hour has come. Look, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. — Mark 14:41 BSB

The time for watching had passed. Jesus had endured His agony, and now His face shone with peace. He no longer needed the help and sympathy He had sought in the darkness. As He looked toward the city gate, He saw the traitor approaching. There was no longer any need for the disciples to stay awake and watch, so He told them they might as well sleep on.

The lesson is clear. Whatever we do for our friends, we must do while they still need our help. If someone is sick, the time to show our love and care is while they are ill. If we ignore them during their sickness, it is of little use to offer kindness after they have recovered.

If one of our friends is struggling with temptation, that’s the time to come alongside them and lend the strength of our love to their weakness. If we fail them in their hour of need, it may be too late to help them later. What good is our support after the battle has been fought and won without us? Or worse, if our friend was not victorious—if they failed because no one came to help—what use is our assistance then?

On all sides, this lesson is clear.

We might have lent
Such strength, such comfort and content
To you out of our ample store;
We might have hastened on before
To lift the shadows from your way,
Darkened, ere noon, to twilight’s gray
With earth’s chilled air love’s warm heart-scent
We might have blent.

Daily Word of God - November 14

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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